Pyp. Mendenhall 'Hildos' FCC/AOS

Pyp. Mendenhall 'Hildos' FCC/AOS

from $15.00

(Psychopsis Butterfly × Psychopsis papilio)

Pyp. Mendenhall is one of few members of the genus Pyschopsis, which includes just four species and their hybrids. The lot are commonly known as “butterfly orchids” for the insects their flowers resemble.

Psychopsis are wonderfully rewarding bloomers. Though their bloom spikes may be slow to develop, once a flower is produced, the spike may continue to bud and bloom sequentially for an indefinite period, a new bud forming behind each flower that drops. In this way, it is not uncommon for plants to remain in bud or bloom for months on end. Cut the bloom spike only when dry and browning (or if repotting).

Mericlone of the FCC-awarded ‘Hildos’ cultivar.

Plants Available: Growing in 2” and 4” pots as pictured. Plants in 2” pots are near blooming size. Plants in 4” pots are blooming-size or mature. Orders for the 4” Pot - Mature option will be filled with plants in spike/bud/bloom as blooming stock permits; otherwise, previously bloomed plants.

Orchid Care: Psychopsis have tropical origins, so tend to grow best in warm conditions with high humidity and good air circulation.

Grow in low to moderate light and water at the base of the plant just as the potting media dries out. Typically the light level and watering schedule that works for reblooming your Phals. will also serve you well with Psychopsis. Sphagnum, LECA, bark—virtually any can be used with watering adjusted accordingly.

But nota bene: These plants do not like to have their roots disturbed, so repot only when necessary and handle gingerly. Repotting should be done when potting mix or media has become stale. Do not repot while plants are in spike'/flower.


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