Den. Bruce Gordon

Den. Bruce Gordon


(Dendrobium alexandrae × Dendrobium eximium)

Primary hybrid of Dendrobium species Den. alexandrae and Den. eximum.

Grown from seed.

Plants Available: The plant available is the plant pictured—a mature plant growing in a 6” pot.

Orchid Care: Grow in very bright light in moderately high humidity with good air circulation. Allow plants to dry slightly between waterings. A dry rest is not strictly necessary, but water and fertilizer should be reduced somewhat in late fall through spring with cooler temperatures and shorter day length.

Plants may be grown potted or mounted, but potting will better accommodate the stature of the plant as it matures. Repot only when plants have put out new roots.

This variety requires a shift in day and night temperatures in order to bloom. Cold snaps in the subtropical/tropical winter help to trigger flowering.


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